Thursday, October 15, 2009

Feeling overwhlemed and just bad...

So I am sitting here watching Jaxon playing contently by himself while I am typing this. This is usually how it is while I am doing homework. Since I am taking 13 hours, there is soooooo much homework. I feel like I am neglecting him. He needs his mom, he needs the stimulation but if it's not homework, it's housework or feeding him lunch and snacks.

I got a good cry out about it last night. I just feel torn, I am meeting all of his basic needs but I feel like that is all I am doing....that is how much homework I have. Maybe taking a full load wasn't a good idea BUT it has helped because we have gotten more money because of it so that is why I did it. I keep trying to tell myself that this is so temporary and that our family will benefit so much from it when I do finish. I want to put the time into my school because I don't want to just do mediocre. I want to do good and so far I have done very well. I feel like I won't do as well if I stop putting so much time into homework.

It's breakfast, playtime, nap and homework, lunch, playtime, snack, nap and just seems so monotonous and overwhelming. Not to mention keeping up with the housework in between all of that. I mean, is this normal for people who are going to school full-time with children to feel this way?

Sorry for the downer post, I just need some uplifting comments to make me feel better...sincere ones, of course. I hope all of this is worth it and that I'm not damaging my son since he is at such an impressionable age.

3 Kudos:

Carla said...

Oh Maegan! I'm sorry you are feeling bad! I know it's hard trying to balance it all. I'm sure Jaxon is fine and things will work out. You and your family will benefit from your going to school. Just think of the good example you are setting, at least you're not sitting on the couch staring at the TV all day! Keep your chin up and look to the future!
Did this cheer you up at all? I hope so. :-)

Unknown said...

oh honey You and I are the greatest worry worts this world has ever seen!!! I felt that way this summer when i was finishing up my associates degree, and now i am TERRIFIED of what it is gonna be like this spring, summer or fall (whenever i get back over to ASU) I'll have 2 kids and the house work and the studyin and homework. But if i was ever sure of one thing it is this: We come from good stock and there is nothing and i mean nothing that will hinder our abilities to show these kids that they are truly and totally adored!!!!!! so chin up deary. yes it does seem tedious at times but the long term goal and outcome of it all is going to be oh so worth it. and never forget a womans work is NEVER DONE that is why God made us sooo strong cause a man couldnt handle our work load!!!!!!! they're too much of a crybaby!!!! te he
hope this helped

Unknown said...

Sorry it took me so long to comment, but I did read this. I'm sorry you're feeling down. You know what I think, so I won't try to write a novel here, but just suffice it to say that I'm always here for you if you need me! Love you!